A mindful approach to Eco-Friendly Choices
Eco Friendly Circle was created with one aim in mind – to empower everyone to learn about the effect of human processes on the environment and inspire them to make eco-conscious decisions that suit their goals and lifestyles. As people around the world become more aware of their personal impact on their environment, they’re looking for new ways to reduce waste and lower their reliance on fossil fuels. The Eco Friendly Circle is a resource for those who are searching for clear guidance about making positive changes for the current and future generations of life on earth by educating people about sustainable living practices. The guidance we provide is simple and, digestible, helping make the changes needed to make an impact on the environment and wildlife we all treasure. When it comes to protecting our planet, we are optimistic that by altering our consumption practices, we can all influence a brighter future.

Our story and mission
The name Eco Friendly Circle emphasizes how circular consumption in other words, sustainable living can help individuals do their bit for the environment.
If you’re new to the notion of sustainable living or circular consumption, it’s a practice that involves reducing waste products to a minimum. Rather than purchasing items that will end up in landfill, people who practice a sustainable lifestyle consume mindfully, recycle, reuse, repair, share, and refurbish products to extend their lifecycle.
Many have been practicing circular consumption to some extent for many years – just think about the hand-me-downs you received as a child or the number of times you’ve recycled a cardboard box. However, much of the economy has relied on non-sustainable practices over the past few decades. Non-recyclable plastic, for example, has presented problems for the world’s oceans and wildlife, while so-called “fast fashion” has caused significant environmental issues. As such, there’s never been a better time for everyone to counteract these trends and embrace circular consumption across as many aspects of their lives as possible.
Eco Friendly Circle is committed to spreading the word about mindful consumption – a practice in which people use the knowledge provided about sustainable living to inform their purchasing decisions. Whether you’re making a long-term investment or replacing an everyday item, the collective effort of mindful consumption helps mitigate problems surrounding greenhouse gas emissions, exploitative labor practices, toxic waste, pollution, and more.
By educating our audience about the impact and application of mindful consumption practices to daily lifestyle choices, we feel everyone can make a genuine difference in the world. The eco friendly lifestyle is a journey, and we believe that commitment and optimism towards the changes each individual adapts is key for a brighter future.
Helping support Current and future generations
We started Eco Friendly Circle because we want to support the current and future optimists that have gratitude for this planet, and want to ensure that it can continue to thrive. Our long-term intention is built around this mindset: offering advice about philanthropic and voluntary activities, as well as mindful consumption habits.